The world is lynching America.

The world is lynching America. Yes, you read it right. The developments in the Middle East deeply sadden us all, and frankly, we avoid watching these images because we all..

The world is lynching America.

The world is lynching America.

Yes, you read it right. The developments in the Middle East deeply sadden us all, and frankly, we avoid watching these images because we all have children, we all have hopes for the future, we all have a conscience, we are all human, such images have become the enemy of humanity and our hopes for the future. However, how come America is being lynched at the point where two countries and various groups that exist in the center of the Middle East have disagreements about things they cannot exchange with each other? So the question is? Why is America being lynched? One group declares that America is biased and that they support this side for the result, the other side says that America wants to manage the developments in the Middle East, and another side comes out and says that America wants oil.

No, if you are going to express your hostility towards America, then you should have at least one claim. So, are you aware of what is real? Contrary to what is said, the United States of America has offered very good solution proposals in the past years, but the parties did not meet at this point. You understand very well which states and which groups I am talking about. Today, there were solution proposals for both sides in line with very good proposals, with America’s prediction of these days. All of the people who criticize America today have suddenly become fish, they have forgotten what happened in the past, and they read what happened backwards and attack with a completely hostile approach, they do not care about the truth. All they want is an environment of chaos, and in this chaos, if a culprit is found and this culprit is America, they carry out a lot of attacks that have no answer to the question why. Who wants war?

Personally, we do not want any of our soldiers from America to go to the Middle East. We want our soldiers to live happily in their country with their wives, children, powerful cars and raise their grandchildren.

Why would we want war? If I were sure that we could make my voice heard, I would want to address all the countries and groups in the world that are anti-American from here today. If there will come a day when you need peace and justice, if someone or someone else makes you a victim, then we will turn a deaf ear to the evil you have done to us and the bad words you have said, and we will be there to help you and your country. because none of the American governments have acted with disregard for moral and conscientious values, and have acted with a constructive mentality in international relations in the most ethical way.

America is neither responsible nor responsible for what is happening in the Middle East today, nor is it on any side, and you can be sure that if a solution is to be found, it will be done by any of the American governments in that region. If the world press and the local press in the Middle East thought about how they could solve the situation they are in today, instead of attacking foreign countries, I can be sure that they would have come much further in terms of solution. We would like to state that we are saddened by what is happening in the Middle East, with the hope that no child in the world will cry, no one in the world will feel fear, and no one in the world will doubt the future. I hope that the events will end as soon as possible and everyone, especially the little children, will live with hope for the future and happiness with the present.

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